Sarawak Daily Sunset Cruise
What is the best way to view the beauty of Sarawak if it's not by going for a cruise journey? Being in Sarawak for almost 30 years, it's a shame of me that I've never go for a tour to view almost my very best Kuching city. The starting point of the journey is in Kuching Waterfront. Entrance fee would be RM60 per person but if you book early, you can enjoy 15% discount! For children, the price is RM30. There's two session: 5.30pm and 7.30pm. The cruise takes about one and half hour. This can be a very nice family getaway. If you are way too busy to bring your family for a weekend escape to places like Damai Puri, this may be what you can think of! It never kills to be early than late as parking is another problem. So for those who wants to see the sunset by joining the 5.30pm cruise, be there early! Not going to talk much but instead, I'll again, let picture speak out for me. Here we go..! Dewant Undangan Negeri (I think) The beauty of Kuching...