If you have been visiting my site frequently, I guess you will realize that this blog has been lack of posting recently. I must admit that my schedule is tight day and night. Apart from new experience and plenty to learn at work, I've been busy with my personal life too. At work, time passes easily without I realizing it. Most of the time, I didn't even know lunch time is near. Not to mention time to go home. Oh well, there's too much to learn that time is just not enough! After work, still, there's more things to think. For those who knows me, you know what's happening this year. There's just way too many things to do recently. As I've attending RCIA class last year, I got to follow up with my teacher when is the confirmation class! Hhmmmm... Let me see what's up for March. I have an appointment in 5th March at place A. Then, plan to set an appointment on place B. I got to make them change the items that I don't want and replace with things th...