Western Digital To Close or To Re-Open?
Read news about Western Digital might not be close. All the staff, somehow might get employed and not un-employed once again. If WD stays open, no compensation will be given. If WD closed, then the company will pay for the compensation. For me, this is very unfair for the employees. Being employed is of course a good thing. But the employee had been told before about the compensation. Furthermore, even if WD stays open, it is not call WD anymore but another name which is still a secret. So why no compensation? Well, this is my personal point of view. Some of them, I believe had planned what to do with the compensation money (business, joint-venture, etc etc). Some might already wait for the money to pay as down payment as a start of new life. And now, suddenly, the compensation is on hold until confirmation of to close or stays open. http://www.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/2/27/nation/3355676&sec=nation If I am the employee which already planned what to lead my life wit...