Caffeine Bad for Kids
While I'm driving my car, there is this two DJ - JJ & Ian on the morning crew talking of things and jokes, etc, etc. One of the topics interest me. JJ mentions that caffeine actually had an impact on kid. By taking caffeine (coffee lor) when you are a kid, it can actually effect the kids' growth. Hhmmmmm, no wonder I'm so short. It must be the impact of caffeine! Arghhhhh!!!!! HHmmppffff!!!! Ok, back to the topics. After listening to the morning talk, I did some google search on the impact of caffeine. Before this, my thinking of cafeeine is coffee. I didn't know that actually sweetened soft drink contains caffeine as well. Sodas too!! Wahhhhh.... According to a source , caffeine is " a stimulant which acts on the central nervous system to speed up the messages to and from the brain. " Hhmm, scary...... Caffeine gives a bad impact to kids actually. Here are some of the impacts that I found while googling: Obesity Increase nutritional dificiencies Dental ca...