Christmas 2008 Parade @ Kuching, Sarawak
Yeah, I know this posting is a bit too out-dated, but what to do, I keep forgeting to download the photos. On the 20th of December 2008, all churches in Kuching has come together as a group and organized a Christmas Parade around Kuching town. Along the roadside before the parade starts.. Some knows and is waiting for the parade but some is still blur about what will happen in the next few minutes... The events starts with some boys carrying the banner... It is a very fun and memorable event as not everyday we can have parade going around Kuching town. The parade started off at 6pm at Jubilee. Oh ya, on that Saturday, it was actually raining from the moment I wokes up until late evening. Around 5.30pm, some how, the rain had stopped and the sky is clear. Miracle!!! God has bless us all!! So here are some of the photos from my camera on that day. I didn't join the parade but instead being one of those who keep looking and wondering what is happening. Hahahaha... Some passerby (kids ...