RCIA Class - The Daily Prayers

So after one week holidays, here I am, attending the RCIA class. As usual, I'm late again. Hey, can't blame me. I realize that the clock is actually 5 mins faster than mine!

Today, we learnt the daily prayers of The Our Father. As a baptist Christian that have already attended the Confession classes before, I have already memorized the Our Father. Just that, the version of mine seems slightly different but with the same meaning.

There are 7 sentences in the Our Father Prayer:

Our Father In Heaven,
Holy be Your Name
Your kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us for our sin as we forgive those who sins against us
Do not bring us to the test
But deliver us from evil

The first 3 sentences is for praising God and after that, to ask God for our daily needs and forgiveness.

This is a very powerful prayer. Normally we would pray and tell God what we need although God knows best what we need most. If our head is empty and we do not know what to say, let us just pray the daily prayers of the Our Father.


Anonymous said…
Prayer is a process towards inner-purity.
Anonymous said…
Prayer is like a healing process for me.
Dav DiDi said…
Hi Both,
Thanks for visiting my site ...

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