Heroes - Novels

Since I don't have a dvd writer and too lazy to download, so I have go for google search on heroes. Hehehe ...

Found this website and I can download all the Heroes Novels... Wooopiieeeee!!!!!! Yayaya, it's only novels, not the movies..But..But..better than nothing!!

I still remember there is one time that I read comics of Dragon Ball at my friend's house. I manage to read 10-20 comic books in one day!! Hahahaha....

Ok, enough about all this crap..http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/novels/ .. Here is this site..


Rose world said…
Wow, Didi! You are so "Li hai" can finish that many comic books in a day???

I tried those e-books before and my eyes cant stand reading them in front of the pc! hahaha!
Dav DiDi said…
Hehehhe .. I'm pretty addicted to Dragon Ball that time .. I borrowed the comic from my friend and bring them back to Kuching (I think about 20 episodes of the comic)..and I finish in 1 day!!

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