Life is Short, Live it To The Fullest

As my computer (Microsoft Excel) hanged, so I am thinking about doing some writing for my blog.

Today, I received 2 news of people death. Although I do not know them but it strikes me. One of the story is because of a man got hit by a motorist and died. Another is also a sudden death.

Life is short. We never know when God will calls us to be with Him. Is it today, tomorrow, next week or next year? No one have the answer for this. I read newspaper about a boy tat died on spot when the tree falls onto the house and killed him right when he is sleeping.

Many of us always say "Tomorrow I'll do so", "I'll call tomorrow" or "It's not the time yet". Well, why do we have to wait for tomorrow when we have today? What is it mean by not the right time? How do we know that today is not the right time and the right time will come soon or just sit there waiting for the right time to come? We never know when is the right time. We never know what is the right. Nobody knows. Nobody have any answer for anything except HIM, our Lord. So, if this is the case, why should we wait for tomorrow? What if tomorrow will never come? Time is always there. It is always the right time as long we take it as the right time. It's not that I'm asking readers to do anything just because of the need to live to the fullest.

As long it is within your heart and desire, just do it without regret!... Do you want to live life regretting that you didn't do this or that? It will be far too late to think about this if our time comes sooner than we expected. So, everyone, live life with no regret and live life to the fullest. If you loves someone, tell her now before you start to regret that you never tells her!! If you thinks of working overseas, take the step forward and try out. God will guide you along your way! Live life to the fullest. Whenever I'm doing something, I always remember this verse. It helps me as I walked through my path. So, gonna share it with everyone :

"Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I together can't handle"

Say this prayer every morning, and watch miracles happen in your life.


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