My Prezzie and BBQ (Part 1)

Hhhmmm, how should I begin with my stories. I guess this would be a very long posting for the day. Hehehee ... Got my prezzie from BF on Saturday. Hahaha.. I actually can't wait till today to get my prezzie from BF. He promised to give it on Saturday instead of on the actual day. In fact, I can't wait till Monday to open them. Hahhaa.. So, once the prezzie got into my hand, I quickly opens it (that explain how eager I am to know what's the item). Hehehe .. It's a watch .. Hehehhe.. yayaya, got new watch!!!

One year warranty ...

Well, the reason he gave me the watch is because I always do not wear watch when I'm out or to work. Whenever I wants to know the time, I'll ask him. Whenever I wants to know the date of today, I'll ask him too. Hahahaa .. This morning I told him, I have not read the time on watch for a long time. Didn't really get use of having a watch on my hand. Hahaha...
Speaking about the watch, when I got it, it is very big, so had to bring it to the shop to shorten it. I got annoyed with the gals working in the shop. She is so rough and handle my watch as if it is a rock. When I got hold of my watch, there are few scratch due to the rough hammering by her. Kanasai to the owner as he just watch there while enjoying the aircond! I tried it on and it is still very loose. She ask in a rough manner "Potong lagi kah??!". I looks at her, and thinking of how she would hammer the watch, I say "Tak apa". Going to analyze it at home and do it myself!

OK, enough about the watch. Other than that, my dad bought me a nice dress. Went to Indian Street few weeks ago. As I passed by a shop, I saw this dress which looks a bit like batik style. The fake lady is wearing them and it looks nice. So, I just try it on and it looks nice and decent. Hehehe ... So, being a 'loyal' daughter, I ask if my dad wants to buy it for my birthday present. Hahahaha .. How thick face am I!!

Apart from that, I have new bags and belts too!! Didn't have time to take another collection of bags as I got it yesterday night. My brother had bought it for me. Hiak hiak hiak.. I have another bags for my collection!!! Yayayaya ... And for the belt.. haaaiihhzzzz, I need to bring it or punch few more holes before I can use them. The smallest holes can't even fit me.. Too big.... Hahaha .. So that's my prezzie ...

I make a simple BBQ yesterday night for my birthday. I was thinking, well, instead of having dinner with BF, why not make a BBQ and eat with all my family? I bought some chicken wings, hotdogs and lamb and beef (I've mistaken beef with lamb). I never had the intention to buy beef. Just that, after I got home, I realize that I've taken the wrong meat. I want lamb!!! Arrgghhhhh..... So again, yesterday, when I went to Giant, saw the lamb .. Can't help myself to lay my hand on it .. Hahaha ...

Dessert ....

Marinate Chicken Wing

Lamb or Beef ????

Hot Dog (surprisingly, my dog don't eat this!!!!)


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