Melamine? Munchy's Biscuits Do Malaysia Proud?

There is an article in TheStar a while ago that says Munchy's Biscuits do us, the Malaysian proud. Also government had encourage consumer to go for local foods instead of imported items. How true is this? Well, based on the article in thestar, it sounds like Munchys is really a grand choice for us. Personally point of view, I like Munchys. I really like the biscuits because of its taste and packaging! Haha.... TheStar Article : Recently, I read another articles that mentions melamine is found in Munchy's biscuits. I was like.. WHAT????? I thought that it is assured that Malaysia made product is save from melamine?? Why is it that it is shown now our very own make Malaysia proud biscuit is being said to contains melamine in HK? HK article: So my question now, what biscuits is 100% free of melamine? Can we believe the advertisement, articles or whatsoever sources mentioning or promoting on the biscuits? Sources also say that melamine, when consume in small amount will not do any harm to our body. How true is this statement? I guess, there is no true or false in our modern society now. It all depends on our judgement and thinking. As for me, I think I'm not going to get any cookies or bisuits from any well known manufacturer. Or maybe, I should just stick to eating buns rather than biscuits. Manufacturer becomes richer day by day but us, the consumer suffers the impact all the time, either good or bad impact. Haaaaiiihhhzzzz... What has happen to our world now?


Kok said…
Seriously, I've never seen this munchy's before. hahaha! I can tell you, everything in this world is harmful to our life in this era. Take for example the air, the water and etc. Not only the melamine in biscuits. Just that, we don't know what's harmful unless something bad happened. So, it's actually your choice of to consume or not to consume. Just my point of view. hehe.
Dav DiDi said…
Yeah .. agree ... thats why i say lor .. we consumer will always gets the good or bad whenever something happens ... the impact is on us ..

Hopefully all those business people think of the consumer before they take any measure into something...

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