Doulos is Back in Kuching!!

Yesterday, my church had invited 6 member of Doulos volunteer to give some presentation and dramas on what Doulos is all about.

Let me elaborate what happens in my church yesterday. The volunteers come from France, Costa Rica and many different places. 2 of them talking about their journey in Doulos while another 3 had presented a drama.

Drama 1.
2 of the volunteer presented a dramas where they are trapped in a box. The girl A tried to push it as hard as she can in order to escaped from the box. But she failed to get out. Another girl, given up in pushing and just sit and prayed asking for God's mercy. And she manage to come out.

In this drama, the volunteers tries to tells everyone that God is always there for us. He will never let us go into problems that we can never solve. All that we need to do whenever we face difficulties is to offer our hand and prayed to Him, asking for his forgiveness. Never ever thinks that God never helps us. "Seek and you will receive".

Drama 2.
The second dramas is presented by a guy from France. Well, it is about our daily life. On Sunday morning, he wokes up, realizing that he will be late to church. So, he had to hurried his way to the church and finally manage to get there on time. While sitting and listening to the preaching, he fall asleep. This is very common and I'm sure all of us ever fall asleep in church. Then during the collection, he gave away his money. But then the money collection keeps returning to him. So, he gave away his watch and tie. But the money collection is back and asking him to donate. At the end, he demonstrated in donating himself as he got nothing else to donate.

In the second drama, it shows to us that God doesn't want our money. He wants our heart and our ears open and listen to His words and command. Never ever thinks that we are doing our part by giving money during the collection. All that he wants is our heart.

As for the speech, I can't really remember what they say. What I can recall is that one of the speakers says "Nothing is Impossible". If hundreds of different people can live in a ship, we too can do whatever that we want as long as we praise Him. Whatever that we do, we are not doing it for ourselves but for Him.

The little girl from Kuching had says something that strucked me. She talks about our reality. When we face problem at works, we tends to built our fences and protecting ourselves. This is working for ourselves. Working for God is to solve the problems and not just pin-point anyone to take the blame. In whatever that we do, we do it in the love of Him.
After the talk from 6 crew member of Doulos, I am eagerly waiting to go there. Their opening hours are:

Tue-Sat : 10am to 10 pm
Sun & MOn : 2pm to 10pm
Let's go and have our fun in the ship!!


Rose world said…
going to visit the ship this weekend!
Dav DiDi said…
Hehehe.. i plan to go next week

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