Floods in Kuching - Crocs Swimming Around

Early this week, Sarawak has been in one of the hot topics in berita TV3, TV2, TV1, NTV7 and also locally. It is said that the flood this year is the worst in 20 years. Many people have been evacuated to higher lands and worst is losing their property to flood.

Places like Indian Streets, Pandungan, Pending, Poh Kwong Park and Batu Kawa is hit with flood. This also means that in the coming CNY, we might not be able to shop in Indian Streets. Haaiihhzzz... My area is not affected, thanks to the 'wakil' from Hui Sing that has called for construction to deepened the 'longkang' there. Hehehe...

Let me get to my point .. Well, this posting is actually about some pictures taken during the flood. Well, 2 crocs is spotted new in Waterfront... Ta daaaaaaaaa!!!!

Yeah, I know some of you is saying "Cheyyyyyy". Well, have fun and Happy Blogging... Photos taken by don't know who. Someone had forwarded this photos to me and I think this is extremely funny. It can also be a false alarm oh!!


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