Stop Busy Body and Leave Elizabeth Wong Alone!

Before few days ago, I never know who she is, what her job is and what her responsibility to the nation. For me, apart of serving a nation, she too is a human being with feelings and hearts.

Yesterday when I watch the news about her what had happen to her, I felt sad for her. Why? Well, it's because there are so many people who don't think of what emotional state she is in at the moment and keep on disturbing her just because she is not a normal citizens without any publicity value! Yeah, I admit I'm just a small ant in this country and has no any other value for the paper.

What if what happens to her, happen to me? Will people come bugging me for news? The answer is definitely NO. So, just because she have value for the paper, therefore it gives you permission to bug her personal life? Come on lah! Give her a break! Show some sympathy and concern to her. Stop messing around with people's life!

What will you feel if someone keep talking about your ex-bf openly? How do you react to your friend that openly discuss about your personal life and what you did with your ex? Will you still be friend with him/her? If no, then you should think for her!! By talking and making her a topic in paper, do you think she would want to be friend with you? Do you really wants her to quit her position??

I always remember.. Work is work and personal is personal. Her personal is her business. Her work is our business. So, why the hack are all you people start digging her personal when it is non of your business ??? I believe every action we take will be repay. When we do good, we will be blessed and if we do bad, we will get it back. Yeah, I know it might be your task in digging out the news but before you treat her as someone important in the nation, treat her as a human being too!

Lastly, I really hope she will never quit. Although I'm in Sarawak, but I'll always remember her in my prayer and my support is always with her.. Never give up, E. Wong.!!


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