All Souls Day

For Christians, we have days for the dead, which is on the 1st (All Saints Day) and 2nd (All Souls Day). As usual, during the all souls day or few days before all souls day, I'll be going to my mum's 'house' to pay her a visit and also my grandparents 'house'.

The RC cemetary is located at 7th mile. I heard that they have bought a land opposite the current cemetary land as there are a lot of people booking for it. My aunt couldn't even get a place and is now in the booking list. The cemetary is divided into 3 parts; for couples, single and kids. I feel sad when I saw that there are so many place occupied at the kids area.

RC Cemetary, 7th Mile

Anyway, I bought fake flowers instead of real flowers. Why? Well, fake flowers last longer and it will make their 'house' shines longer. I've often came to my mom's 'house' but not my grandparents. Usually we would splash some clorox on the floor around it so that it looks white and clean.

Yeah, I know this is kind of late all souls day posting but I've been really busy with stuff and work. Anyway, it's all souls day and I prayed that my grandparents and mom are united in heaven.

This is at Serian

Some words for grandparents; Grandma, I may not know you but I think you should definitely be a good grandma. Grandpa, I know you are now united with grandma. As I'm still small when you are gone, but I'll always remembers you in my prayer.

Some words for mum; Ma, I know that I've stupidly mistaken who is my mum when I'm small, but you will always in my heart. Sorry that I've not been at your side when you are sick. I'll always remember you in my prayer.

As usual, after visiting my mom's 'house', we went for breakfast a.k.a lunch at 7th mile. We ate kueh chap.

Oh well, there's a 'friend' loyally waiting for me to give her food. She looks like she just gave birth. I gave her the share of the kueh chap meat. I think I ate only 2 piece of the meat. Sobs...


Anonymous said…
1st (All Saints Day) and 2nd (All Souls Day) for every month or only November???
Dav DiDi said…
Nov .. once a yr :)

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