Interviewer's Expectation Towards Interviewee

Recently, I've been busy with work until there's not much time for blogging. One of the items that I'm busy is participation in interviewing people.

Most of us would always be the interviewee. Our thinking of what interviewer expectation would usually narrowed to what we think is the interviewer expectation. After becoming one of the interviewee, I finds out that what I think before this is totally wrong.

If you are called for an interview, what will you do? Ever think of what is the DO's and DON'Ts?

Here's some of the idea that I hope can help all those who are preparing for an interview.
  1. Prepare for the interview. Find out what is the company, its business culture, stability and benefits. There's no point for you to attend the interview if the business structure contradicts with your interest
  2. Finds out possible question and the best answers for the questions. Sometimes what we think is the best answer may not be the best answer in real life.
  3. Be punctual. Never ever be late for an interview! Some interviewer will judge based on your punctuality. There's no excuse to be late.
  4. Be confident and calm. When you meet the interviewer, don't start to get panic and lost. Instead, have eye contact with the interviewer, greet him/her and smile. Think of the interviewer as someone you like although he/she looks fierce
  5. When being ask a question, don't drift away from the question. Answer straight to the point with confident.
  6. If you do not know the answer, don't simply bluff and gives an answer. You will get yourself into another trapped that is set by the interviewer.
The only way for you to increase your chances of being shortlisted is by showing assurance to the interviewer that you are his/her best choice. Talking nonsense will just deduct your own mark.
Here's some example of what I learnt during the interviewing session:
We ask one of the candidate how good is his Microsoft Excel. His answered confidently 'Very good'. And we ask him to elaborate what he meant with very good. Again, he answer 'I knows how to operate and use excel very well. I always use them'. As he sound way too confident, we ask again 'what is vlookup?'. For those who is very familiar with Excel, you should know this as this is the most basic amongst all functions that Excel can offers. This candidate looks at us with empty answers.
There's another candidate that we interviewed tried another different kind of tricks. We gave him a test and ask him to figure out the answer. Although he doesn't know the answer, he tries to turn around and get whatever answer he can thinks of in order to answer our question. Now, if you really do not know it, just say don't know. In my point of view, a person like this will certainly push things to other people even if its their responsibility.
Hope all this tips is beneficial..


Ronnie said…
I never had a formal interview before.....
Dav DiDi said…
Hi Ronnie, oh well, prepare yourself well before turning up for one.. :)

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