I'm Being Loved!

I guess I've posted way too much of food photos, rather than an update of myself. Oh well, it is rather easier to post food photos rather than an update of myself. Hhmmm, don't you think so?

Lately, it's been really a busy year for me. Everything is just about waiting for the time to comes. Waiting for the developer to call and say that it's time for handover of house, waiting for bridal to call and ask us to collect our albums. Waiting for the time to go back to restaurant and set the wedding cards. All are just waiting for the time to comes. Hhhmmmmm....

As for work, it's busy like hell! I just can't take my mind away from work - which means, I don't even had a good preparation for my wedding and chasing after the house developer for me to get my key. Hhmmppfff!!!!

Although work is really stressed and never ending, I feel the nice feeling of the new workplace. In spite of the busy daily routine, we get to have a little fun in between..

Colleagues gave us free durian from his orchard (no photos though)... Free rambutan... Muffins...Cookies... Ice cream...Food and food and nothing but foods!!!

Halal 'bak kua' made by my colleague

Chicken Leg Kolo mee - just for illustration

Lovely cookies from colleague

Muffin from colleague again

Birthday cake for my colleague

It's a busy and stress working place but is filled with lots and lots of loves!


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