Out of Idea

Lately, my posting is getting more and more boring with meaningless write-up. Oh well, I just can't motivate myself enough to write a good posting. I felt lazier as I'm getting older and with so many things coming in my life. 

My life nowadays seems to be packed. From Monday to Friday, work start at 8am till 5.30pm. After finish my dinner, bath and feeding all the animals at home, it will be around 8.30pm. By then, all I want to do is sit and do nothing. Sigh! Time flies everyday. Weekend will be like usual - spring cleaning at home and do nothing. Once a month, I'll go for facial to extract all the dirt from my face.

With my new project, my life seems busier than ever. After tidy up everything, I will start my pillow project - making small pillows. I hope i'll keep myself motivated until the completion of my pillows.

Some of you might be wondering, why am I making pillows? Oh well, this picture will speaks for me...

This mean, every month, I need to go for routine checkup. I chose to go to KPJ and also, government clinic.

Hopefully, I will get back my will of writing a better post soon!


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