Reviving my Blog

Yes, I'm going to stay up-to date on my blog for now !!! Do be patience with me. 

It's been a while since the last time where I’ll find ways to update my blog and write about my life, etc. I’ve been out of ideas as of what should I write. My head is feels empty and totally, not in the mood.

As I sat here, trying to write up something, my head is still blank. I guess the long absence in blogging had turn my head into blank page.

My girl is turning 1 very soon. Time flies. During this one year, I’ve been busy with her and putting up my attention to her and family. Recently, I realize that I’ve not giving myself some space. All that I do is for others: be it for my family, relatives or friends.

I’ve forgotten about myself. Forgotten about my target in life. Forgotten about what I want, what I need, who am I. All that I do for this one year is to get things moving. Living in this world for the sake of living and for the sake of accomplishing the routine. This is part of our life – sometimes, we forgot who we are and even why we are here.

It’s time to get back in line. I need to find back myself – why I’m here, where I’m going and what is my direction. It’s time to give some time for myself, not just being here waiting for people to be here for me or to serve others at all time.

I’ll start with doing what I loves – blogging, yoga-ing and challenge myself with things I want to do but never did it.

I understand now, why is it that some women fall deep into depression after birth. This really needs a lot of support and strong mental mindset. We must be strong for ourselves, not for others. We can never forget our own self!


Rose world said…
welcome back Didi. Understand how and what you are going through.

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