Krista Day, 25th April 2015

The day has come for my little baby to have her first sports day! On 25th April 2015, Krista organized a family day @ sports day for their students age 3 to 6. My kids will be participating too and I'm pretty excited about it as well.
 We all woke up early today and when I put on her Krista shirt, she was a bit reluctant and unhappy. I guess she wonders why is it that she had to go school on Saturday morning. She keep telling us that she doesn't want to go school. I had to keep telling her that, we are not going to school but we are going to have some fun and play with other kids. Unhappy, but she did not resist.

After our breakfast, we reach the place at 9am. There's a lot of parents arrive already and we are lost. I thought that I'm already late. After registration, we headed to the assembly area. My little girl was quite shock to see the crowd and wouldn't let go off my hand. She cried out loud when another 2 boys in front of her cried badly looking for their parents. Haizzzz... I guess I'm on the team too, tagged alone in the games.

The Green Team

Crying little girl

Number 41

All the kids are divided into 3 groups - purple, yellow and green. My girl are on the green team. The games starts with the PH class students, which means the youngest one - 3 years old game. After that, are the K1 kids and lastly the K2 kids. I must say that the teachers are all very organized and pre-planned.

Games on going

After finish the games for PH students, I bring her to have some fun coloring and mixing around with other kids her age. She seems to enjoy them and started to have some fun

After the game, I finally understand why recently at home, she has been marching a lot and pretty interested with ping pong ball. Also, she keep choosing a green color shirt to wear. It was because she have all the practice with ping pong ball at taska and are in the green team.

My girl's artwork

Her flowers
It appears that my girl are on the winning team. Yahooo!!! Go green, We are Mighty, We are One!! Go Go Green!


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