MSuite Hotel - Johor

Early this year, I went to Johor for my training, sponsored by my company. I didn't go jalan jalan much but I felt comfortable and warmth staying in the hotel. Alone, lonely and bored .. I went a tour round the hotel and take some snap shot of my room and also the surrounding. Hehehehe .... I felt like a princess. Haha!

Ok, starts with my hotel room. This is my bed. (shame on me, so messy..hehehe). It's a king size bed. One comment-the bed is so stiff leh, compare to my own bed..and lack of my smell. Hahaha!..Oh ya, ignore the date in the photo. I didn't set my camera to the correct date. :)

My kitchen. Alamak, I left my towel there. Looks like I'm a very messy person. Hehehe..Another comment is that the fridge is noisy. Hehehe..I wonder why is it that they give us so many cupboard. What to put?? But the chair is nice. It is made of so call rotan. Hehehe. And the lighting is actually very nice. Just that it gives some effect on my camera, so I turn it off. :P

My toilet..Hehehehe..Nice huh..I think the toilet is fine. No comment (basically complain la) about this section. Hehehehe....

My bath tub. Nice or not? Ya, I'm using palmolive. I don't like to use hotel shampoo. Always make my hair dry. Hehehehe ...

I have s
ome other photos of my room like my living room, make up table, etc etc..But the photo isn't that nice..too dark, reflection, bla bla .. Therefore, I didn't upload it here.

Oh ya!! I can see sea from my hotel room! I wonder if there is "dolphin" out there. Hehehe .. the water isn't that blue..kinda polluted. Haaiiiizzzzz

I also snap this.. two man catching some fish (I think)...Or maybe they are catching something else in the water.

OK, cut the crap. Enough with my room. Hehehe .... Now, to the outside of the hotel..... First, the logos...

The outer of my hotel room. I can sit here while waiting for the lift. Hahaha ... Along the way to the lift is kinda scary actually. Because it's too quiet. But I can see the hotel structure (rooftop). Nice or not ?

The entrance of the hotel is nice too ... They plant a lot of trees...

The pathway to swimming pool .. yippeeee !!!!! I'm going swimming !!!

Nice or not ?? Nice or not ?? Nice leh .. I like the pool .. so so artistic!.. Hehehehe ... The pool isn't so deep and my leg can touch the ground. When I got there, I'm all by myself. So nice. The whole pool belongs to me .. But the water is quite dirty .. They should clean it more often. Little pool at the 2nd picture are for kids.

Now, the little stair case there is to go up, to the gym. I didn't go there because not really interested with the gym. I saw few guy and gal looking down to the pool ...

The bench to sit is ok ok lar. I put my stuff on the chair while swimming.


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