Girl Knows Best A Girl's Heart

As I said in another post that actually I'm feeling a bit upset now. Been a bit stress up with some issue in personal and feels that guy never understands a girl's heart. No matter how they try, how romantic they are, how mature they are or how good they are in making a gal laugh, they still won't understand what a gal really feels.

Actually for me, a girl's need is very simple. We just want to felt protected, loved and to be pampered. For us, rich or not rich, handsome or not handsome a guy is, it doesn't matter. What matters most is that the guy knows what's in the girls mind. But, I guess guy will never get this correct.

As an example, let say a gal ask the guy to accompany the girl to walk to the gate of his house in saying goodbye. But the guy simply gives reason and just send up to the front door of the house. Well, gal just need to be pampered and feel protected. For a guy, if the gal gets frustrated over this, that's because she is childish and don't understand maturity act. But, that's not the story. It just that we wants to be felt pampered. By escourting the gal to the gate, it is like pampering her, protecting her and making her feels that she is somebody and also happy. Happy to have such a considerate and loving guy. Is this childish? It's just that guy never understands how much a gal need to be feel protected.

It's not that we gals want to have the win-win situation all the times. Just that, we want this feelings. We felt owning the world with this feeling.

I am feeling moody now as I don't felt any of this feeling now and someone just thinks that not saying it out is the best action to take in avoiding quarell. And that action makes me felt lonely and ignored. I don't want quarell too. I just want to say out how i felt but I guess if the other party choose not to listen to avoid quarell, I guess, there is no use for me to say out how I actually felt and how sad I am now. Weather is not always shiny. So does a person's heart. It's windy time now in my heart.

I guess, better not continue before I started to rain. Don't wanna polute my blog with unhappiness. Will blogging again when my mood is back!

Have a nice day!!


rebeena said…
Guy never faham ger & so do we ger also never faham a guy. That is why gaduh will come in...
But tis is life. Got black so do have white. Got up and down.
Even both side say alwys say "we wanted is simple thing", but alwys end up is "complicated".
Sometime we ourself also dunno wat we really wanted if he as what actually we want him to do, but got meaning bo if everything we say den he go do. More like our maid den our lover, tak ada inisiatif. So he cnt take decission, everything wait juz will wait for your order.

In a relationship "TRUST" is more important then everything. So Dav, dnt sakit hati coz of small matter OKie. Ur relationship is still long way to go my little ger!
Anonymous said…
hi rebeena,
You forgot the part about the making up after the quarrel ^_^

Eh didi ah,
Quarrel is part n parcel of a successful relationship! However, dont forget that you should always fight fair okie:)
Dav DiDi said…
Yayaya ... get wat you gals means ..

Well, just being upset for a while .. I am still in the steps of learning .. learn to be strong and to be independent .. not too much rely on what you shud do, what he shud do and what i shud do thingy ...

Agree ... trust is the key...
RaiNboW said…
hehe.. i agree that no matter how nice a guy is to his gf, they never understood gals well enough.. nevertheless, this is the fun part rite? If he is the worm in ur stomach, where is all the excitement? ;)
Imagine he is a part of ur finger and listen to ur every command... you won't wan a bf like this rite??
Dav DiDi said…
HHmmmm.... I think what most important is to respect each other .. what do you think ?

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