Sweet Memories of My Principle - Mdm XXX

While talking to Jen on meebo, it reminds me of some memories of the secondary time. Sweet memory but also scary memory.

We are talking about our principle at that time. She is a very disciplined and indeed with her, the school is peaceful and students are indeed discipline too. BUT the reason that we all are discipline is because she is extremely FIERCE (at least, for me she is fierce).

I still remember there are one times, where it is Moral lesson. The teachers thought giving us all some break and let us study on our own. So some of us study Sejarah, some study other subjects. I remember that I'm studying Sejarah that time. Our principle walked passed our class and realize that all the student are looking at multiple different subjects. She walked in and asked all those that looking at non Moral books to see her one by one in her room. Although it has been explained by our teacher that she gave us permission to study on our own, our principle say "Moral lesson should study Moral subject".

Spending half an hours in her room, there are some of the conversation that I still remembered. Here it goes:

Mdm XXX : "Why are you studying other subject?"
Me : "Ms. YY gives us permission. Tomorrow is Sejarah exam"
Mdm. XXX : (Nagging, can't remember what she say as it is very long, then..) "Why are you looking on the floor?"
Me : (looking up to her)
Mdm. XXX : "I am your principle. Didn't you know that look straight to people if very rude?"
Me : (Errrmm... where to look???)
Mdm : (nagging continues.....)

I also remember that few times I turn my back to walk into different direction when I saw her coming towards me. Hahahahaha ....

During the MSSM sports competition, it gives me a fright when my teacher asked me to be one of those 'waitress' serving the VIPs drink. In my head, I was thinking.. "Will Mdm XXX scold me in front of everyone if I make mistake presenting the drink??" Hahahaha ... Childish thinking mar ...

Well, at first Mdm. XXX was suppose to retire when I'm in Form 4. But, maybe it's God's will that she retired when I completes my Form 5!! Haaaiizzz ...

For those that ever under Mdm. XXX, well, you know what it feels. She is the most fierce principle I ever had!!!! Anyway, this is one of my sweet memories of school time..


Rose world said…
Didi, your principal story reminds me on my principal too. Although i never have a confrontation with my principals, to me they are fierce and unapproachable! hahaha

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