Intel Shutting Down Penang's Plant ????

This morning, I'm so shock when AppleJul sends me an article about Intel decision to shut down their Penang's plant. First impression - WHAT???? Frankly, I never thought Intel will go down.

Not that I'm supporting Intel or what, but I thought they are a very good company with good backgrounds. Why are they affected so much ?

What is happening in our world? More bad news to everyone. This is really bad. What or how will people survive when companies is closing down one by one? There is one sources says that this is the worse CNY gift to their employees. How can anyone celebrates CNY happily when thinking that they will not have any job soon?

Not only that the plant in Penang is shutting down but also in other countries. Intel in Manila, Phillipines will also be shutting down. From another source that I read, the company announce it to the employee via email. What the hack?? OMG! I hope my company here will not just send an email and tell us "GO HOME"..

All this news really scares me. What is going on with 2009? I guess all the employees is panicking now. Let us all united and pray for God's mercy to help us and guides us through the tough year....

Can someone tell me that this story is not true??


levian said…
seriously? i got a few friends that just got accepted into penang's intel. they sure don't seemed like they are shutting down anytime soon.
ColourfulWorld said…
Actually it's not shutting down according to Penang CM. It's relocation. Intel will be moving everything to Kulim.

On 2nd thought, I wonder how many people will be affected since not everyone can simply move to Kulim just like the plant...

Anyway, the electronic industry in Penang is really in deep trouble. Many more to close down after CNY...
Dav DiDi said…
Well, I heard that Intell will offer volunteer suspension. This is actually means retrenchment.

Couple years ago, my company has this vss (volunteer suspension). It is just a better name for retrenchment .. if your name in the list and you don't apply for the vss, they will advise you to apply. So this is just a tactic lor ..

Well, so far, I don't have friendst there and I hope they will have a better fate than VSS
rainfield61 said…
Crisis will come one after another; Let get equipped ourselves with more aded values, the rest, let pray and pass to the Master on top of us.

Anyhow, still need to say Happy New Year. This is our Chinese custom.
RaiNboW said…
Didi, Happy Chinese New year to u too. May you receive lots of angpau this year.

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