Stock Clearance a.k.a Cuci Gudang?

While I'm passing from Kenyalang to Simpang Tiga, I saw this banner which sound very interesting or a direct translation. It is a promotion banner by Habib Jewels. The wordings are in BM and is wrriten "5 hari Cuci Gudang".

My first impression is "Huh?", with 3 lines on my forehead, wondering why do they need to announced that they are cleaning their warehouse? Then, when I looked and think carefully with BM to English translation it actually means "5 days Stock Clearance". Not sure about you, but when I came to my mind about the meaning, I can't help but laughing at the banner and the person who came out with the word cuci gudang. This is so funny and ridiculous!!

HHmmm, ok, stock clearance in English is definitely make sense. But direct translation from the word "stock clearance" to "Cuci gudang" is definitely ridiculous!! I wonder what makes them put the word cuci gudang. Come on! Is that our standard in English?

Frankly, I don't know how to say "stock clearance" in BM. But to say "stock clearance" as "cuci gudang", this is really a humiliation and it really shows the English standard that the culture here is having.

Can anyone tell me if stock clearance really do means cuci gudang in BM???? Doesn't it sound better if we mention it as "5 hari jualan penghabisan stock"? Cuci gudang means washing the warehouse lah!!!


Rose world said…
Why dont just say "Jualan gudang murah". hehehe! I dont know. my BM not that good anymore.

Btw, I have a tag for you at Rose' world. check it out, ok?? :)
Dav DiDi said…
Haha.. that is still better than 'cuci gudang' ...

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