3 days Off – Boring and Getting More Bored!

So what did I do during the 3 days off? Let me see.. On Saturday, went for lunch at Everise 4 ½ miles at a Chinese stall. Well, it is indeed a true China type of Chinese stall! I can’t read the menu (of course!) and just pointed at the picture to tell them what I want.

When the food arrives, they serve 7 small bowls + 1 big bowl of noodles. First thought is “Oh no, this would sure cost me at least 10 bucks per bowl!”. Second impression is “Not bad”. Third impression is “I’ll definitely come here again!”. Total damage spend for the day is RM13 (2 plates of this noodles and 2 big ball of kueh, can’t remember the name). RM6 per plate doesn’t sound too pricey actually because amongst the meal in that 7 bowls are drumstick, pork, vegetables, ‘tauhu’, dried chilies and sauces. OK, when I go there again, I’ll snap some photos.

Sunday, as usual went to St. Mark’s church with BF. It seems to be pretty standard of going for BM subtitle mass. I still prefer English mass. Then, went for the super expensive fast food of RM6.70 per plate at Expert, MJC. All I took is vegetable, 3 super small piece of meat and ½ piece of eggs. I grade the food just OK but I grade the price as “NEVER GOING TO EAT THERE AGAIN”. Well, I ate a super amazing and tasty yet unique noodles for only RM6, so why is that the super normal fast food could cost more than the super unique noodles?? Some businessman just likes to ‘kill’ their customer’s wallet!

Hhmm, sound like I’m babbling around again with my bored life to everyone. Monday is even bored. Found a love novels while cleaning up and manage to finish the whole novel in 3 hours. Then, went for kolo mee as brunch. Well, after 2 days of damage to my wallet, Kolo mee is the cheapest food in town, don’t you agree? Then, went for almost the whole 3rd mile + Hui Sing to look for Star fruits. All I get is 2 ‘cha sio ‘ pau as I can’t find any star fruits.

Then in the afternoon, correcting my own grammar in my technical paper. The rest of the days is just super bored historical day for DD.

Can anyone give me any suggestion to turn my dully unpaid leave into something interesting yet saving my wallet from the damages? Hahaha!!


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