Does Women Shorten A Man's Life Span ??

Today, while chatting online, a friend of mine commenting that women can really shorten a guy's life span. According to statistic, this actually proof to be true.

When I ask why he say so, this is his reply "because women are more sensitive about certain words n actions...They tend to use those words or incident to facilitate their argument topics...when repeated, will cause memory loss n rapid heart beating...leading to high blood pressure n heart failure in the male species".

Don't ask me if he copy and paste the argument.

This morning, I read thestar and there is one article about the total suicide last year. It shows that majority are man where almost 1/3 are married man and some of them determine to suicide because of wife. Hhmmm.... So it's partly true that women is the cause of man's shorter life span?

Hhmmm, so does this means that in actual facts man cannot handle pressure and stress better than women? I'm lucky I'm gal! Hehehehe....

OK, so I google again and another source says that menopause is a major factor in determine the life span of women and men.

Any other resources available to proof that women really is the cause for men's shorter life span?


levian said…
women is definitely better in handling stress (n pain) compare to men. in a way, maybe because we have more ways to release ourselves compare to the guys? :)
Dav DiDi said…
hhmm .. maybe we tends to find way to release stress .. but for men, they tends to keep it to themselves until one day they couldn't take it ...
Dav DiDi said…
Haha.. I'm not married but I do agree with you that married men get nag more ..

Well, men is just always too lazy with house work .. they can't expect women not to nag, right ?

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