St. Joseph's Church - Acceptance to the Church

Went to St. Joseph Church last Tuesday for the special mass for those going for baptism soon. BF is one of them. There are more than 50 people, I think and the church is quite crowded. As usual, I sat alone (*sobs*). BF and dad sit on the other side. I can't remember the father that conduct the mass. Hehehe.. Heard that he is from Sabah.

See so many people

Mass suppose to start at 7.30pm but today, it starts at 7.15pm. I guess, Father wants to sleep early tonight. Anyway, there are a lot of candidate not wearing white shirts. In normal case, they are suppose to wear white for such occassion. Some even come straight from their work place. As for me, I came straight from home as I have applied for FORCE UNPAID LEAVE. Yeah, capital letter because it's FORCE UNPAID LEAVE!
Receiving the certificates

Enough about the pay cut. lol. The mass is as usual and ends around 8.15pm. At the end of the service, BF is given a certificate with prayer. OOppsss, forgot to take the photos. Hhmmmm... It was raining when we went home. BF covers the certs by putting it inside his shirt to prevent it from rain. lol

Next would be "Tobat Kedua" mass service...
This little thing contains holy water (I think)


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