When Will Be The Jogging Plan?

Sunday, 15th
ME : Later go jog?
HIM : Tomorrow la,very sleepy

Monday, 16th
ME : After work go jog?
HIM : Go Wednesday la. Today a lot of work. Very tired.

Wednesday, 18th
ME : After work, we go jog?
HIM : We go tomorrow la, very tired deposing HNO3

Thursday, 19th
HIM : Later we go pasar malam, tomorrow la we go jog

Friday, 20th
ME : Later going jogging. You got go?
HIM : Want go out tonight? Tomorrow la, after my training we go jog

Haiya, I don't want to delay anymore. Unless it's raining, there is no more postponing of the jogging plan! Later, tomorrow excuse would be too tired after training, Sunday la .. And then Sunday it would be sleepy, need evening nap .. and the chain goes on .........

DD want to go exercise....


Rose world said…
I think most men is like that. if can delay they delay. my hubby has been saying about going to gym since last month, and up to now, didnt see him going. Sigh! Now with new computer games, it is even worse. Every night and weekend, he is sticking his nose in front of pc. Only his brain and hands are exercising, not his body! Cham!!!

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