2010 Resolution

Goodbye 2009, welcome 2010! New year, new beginning. Let's all move forward and not left in the past. That's one of my principle in life.

I hope that 2010 will be a good year for everyone to achieve their dreams and life success in whatever that you dreamt of. As for me, when I looked back at 2009 resolution, basically I failed to achieve even half of it! Hhmmmm, I really lack of discipline.

So for this year, I've set another new target in life. Hopefully, this time I'll be really determine to kickoff whatever that I've set in my life. For this round, I'll set the quarter of the year that I am to achieve the goals.

1. Target saving of xx (Q4)
2. Settle PTPTN to below RM8,000 (Q4)
3. Achieve an income of minimal xxx from the virtual world (Q4)

4. Reach the ideal weight of 46 KG (Q3)
5. Learn yoga, attend at least 40 classes of yoga in 2010 (Q4)
6. Get an oven and start learning some baking skills (Q3)

3 financial resolutions and 3 self improvement resolution. Can I do it?

Anyway, I've also create a wishlist for myself. It's a list of items that I would get for myself for the year of 2010:
1. Oven - end Sep
2. Rechargeable battery - end May
3. Laptop - end Nov
4. Hair dryer - end Jan (using the $ I've got from Nuffnang)
5. xx Big Project - end Dec (not going to say what this is)
6. Pen drive, 16GB - end Jun
7. Gold ring (to remember myself of 5 yrs working) - end Apr

Well, looking back at 2009 resolution I doubt so. But we should not look back right. Let's pray to get our dreams achieved!


Prim3 said…
Hi, long time no see in blogging world! :D

Got so many new year resolutions i see? Hope you achieve them all..

And Happy New Year! :D

Prim3 @ http://blog.prim3.org
Unknown said…
Hi .. Yeah, long time no see ... well, the resolution is a guideline for us to move forward rather than backwards, right?

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