New Year, New Beginning

This is actually a very late posting. Anyway, how do you spend you new year day?
For me, as usual, New Year is also BF birthday. I bought him a gift but had given it to him on Christmas Day. Well, what to do, birthday boy ask me to give earlier since he gave mine 3 months before my birthday. lol ... What I buy? Hehehehe....

So, as usual, cakes. I bought one small cake at Taiwan Cake House. Since BF is not a fan of cakes or anything bun alike stuff, so it's quite easy to hunt for a reasonable price cake.

BF treat us for a steamboat at RH Plaza on the next day. We didn't go for his new year celebration + birthday on 1st Jan because BF had to work. Hehehehe...

As usual, during New Year day, many people seems to have their way of finding where to get fire crackers. I can hear the cracking sound almos every hour. As for my dog, it's 'floor digging' time in looking for a hiding place.
Underneath the bed isn't enough. Little Pooh tries to dig a hole through on the floor. Hhhmm, wish her luck! lol...
Anyway, another random post before I get back my writing emotion back!


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