RCIA Class - Church Mass Service

Yesterday, my RCIA teacher teaches us about the mass service on every Sunday. Although it's been more than 27 years that I attended the mass, I had no idea at all about the mass and its meaning.

Every Sunday mass takes about 1 hour. The mass begins with an entrance hymm where the priest would enter the church from the main door. As a start of the service, we will proclaim forgiveness to God. As human, we commit sin in four ways; in our thoughts, our words, in what we do and what we fail to do.

Next, we will all sit down to listen to the word of God. There will be three readings to be read. The first reading was taken from the old testament. For RC, there are 46 books in the Old Testament. Second readings is from the new testament. There are 26 books in New Testament. The third reading will be read by the priest. It is also taken from the New Testament.

Before the third reading begins, we would bless ourselves with the sign of the cross on the forehead, lips and heart. This is to ask for blessing in our thoughts, in what we say and in what we feels.

After the third reading, father would give his speech in teaching us the word of God. For me, I love to hear Fr. Lim speaks. He is funny and his words is quite meaningful and related to our daily lifestyle.

When father finishes his speech, there will be collection where we would give our tokens of offering to God. The amount of donations is from our heart and not from the amount that we donated out. After the collection, we would offer them before the altar. In the ideal way, a family of four would be selected to brings the offering.

Then, we enter into another section where we would pray for those who are no longer with us and for our own needs. Father will offer up the bread of life to resemble the body of Jesus and wine as the blood of Jesus. After that, Our Father will be sang. We would offer each other the sign of peace. This is to show that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

Communion follows after this. For RC, only those baptist and had gone through confessions can receives the communion. As I've already baptist and did my confession classes, I too is elligible to receive. After receiving the communion, it is the moment of silent for us to offer our prayers to Him.

The mass ends after the communion. The priest would reminds us to go in peace. In summary, there are 5 sections in each mass:
- Entrance
- Readings
- Offertory
- Eucharistic Prayer
- Communion
- Concluding

Well, that's all I remember about the class. Hhmmm, I think I've forgotten almost 40% of what I've just learnt last night!


Anonymous said…
Hello Didi, thanks for your comment in my blog. I went to an RCIA in 2006 and I learned a lot.

God bless you and have a great day!

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